Did John Leguizamo Just Spoil The Ending Of The Power?

Did John Leguizamo Just Spoil The Ending Of The Power?

0:00 to 6:59=show spoilers up to episode 5
7:00-end=book spoilers

In a recent breakdown of his most iconic characters, John Alberto Leguizamo’s description for his most recent show The Power may have let the electric cat out of the bag for how the show will eventually end.

PLUS! We break down major major MAJOR spoilers for the ending of the book on which the show is based. Do you think the show will end the same way as the novel?

Do John's comments indicate how the show will actually end?

And are there any chess experts out there who can help us figure out what all of these chess references mean?!???

Book spoilers begin at 7 minutes into the episode.

Previous recaps
Episode 1: written | podcast |
Episode 2: written | podcast | video
Episode 3: written | podcast | video
Episode 4: written | podcast | video
Episode 5: written | podcast | video

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