Science Proves (Again) That Watching Fox News Makes You Dumber Than Not Watching Any News At All

Science Proves (Again) That Watching Fox News Makes You Dumber Than Not Watching Any News At All

As far as ratings go, Fox News is #1.

Despite its clever branding claiming otherwise, Fox News Channel (FNC) is far and away the most popular mainstream cable news network. Since its inception in 1996, the channel has grown bigger, and bigger, and bigger.

But in 2012, a much-publicized study revealed a shocking crack in the Faux News facade.

NOTE: There were five-ish (2011, 2012, 2016, 2020, and a case study of the 2020 study)

Examples of society-oriented knowledge included whether unemployment had gotten better or worse over the past year, whether Barack Obama was a Muslim, and whether the world’s temperature had been slowly increasing over the past 100 years.” — Consuming content from Fox News is associated with decreased knowledge of science and society

“I’ve spoken about this before, but if you watch Fox News, you perceive a different reality than if you read The New York Times. And those differences have been amplified by social media, which allows people to live in bubbles with other people who think like them.” -Barack Obama,
“Fox News viewers ‘perceive a different reality’ than other Americans”

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TRANSlating Everything is by Stephenie Magister and occasional guests.

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