A Brief Timeline Of Stephenie Magister

A Brief Timeline Of Stephenie Magister

Folks, I’ve written a lot of memoir shorts over the last couple of years. I wrote so many of them that I collected them into an anthology. They’re basically a book. Except they’re available for free online — but only if you use that link.

Now from my perspective, the anthology means that all of you should already know who I am and how I got here, but the fact is — that’s a lot of reading! Even the shorter biographical articles I’ve written aren’t all that short and only cover certain parts of my life.

So I wanted to give everyone the fastest rundown of my life I’ve ever put down on paper. Or podcast. Or video. Or whatever way you found this.

This is also available as an article on Substack and Medium.

TRANSlating Everything is by Stephenie Magister and occasional guests.

Episode Video