Tribbling: Fun And Effective Trick To Play With Vocal Resonance

Tribbling: Fun And Effective Trick To Play With Vocal Resonance

Hi there, and welcome to TRANSlating Everything. It's Tuesday, May 9, 2023, and I want to share with you one of the most playful and effective techniques to play with vocal resonance.

Today, I want you to forget about words, sentences, and phrases. You might be putting the transgender cart before the non-binary horse. I need you to take a step back.

We're going to instead explore a fun and effective vocal technique that will help you go back to so-called "words" with a deeper, more intuitive understanding of how to manipulate your vocal resonance.

This vocal resonance technique will also teach you a vital component of how to use your voice, too.

This vocal technique is called "tribbling."

For musical inspiration from trans vocalists topping the charts: Trans Voices Mix Tape #1

TRANSlating Everything is by Stephenie Magister and occasional guests.

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