Is it okay to laugh at a man in a dress if they aren't trans?

Is it okay to laugh at a man in a dress if they aren't trans?

It's a classic episode from the Dear Cisters archive! The question came from Reddit user by u/k819799amvrhtcom. 

They posed the question on r/asktrangender: "How do you respond to "If you were cis, you would also laugh at the idea of a man dressed as a woman!"?"

We answered the question on Medium, YouTube, and now on this podcast.


I highly recommend this video from FD Signifier on why these kinds of jokes fucking suck. Then you can explain to your dad why this puts them in the same heralded ranks as recently declared TERF Warrior and occasional standup comedian Dave Chappelle.

For an enormous amount of additional TRANSlating Everything content, head to Medium and Substack.

Episode Video